image of smiling on campus employer.  dark hair.

Post available job positions, review applications, and hire employees. Employment guidelines and required documents are at your fingertips!

Student Employment News
  • General Resources for all Student Employers

    Find information about College student employment policies and instructional resources for student employment supervisors.

  • Tips and Tricks for Supervisors

    Visit this website for helpful tips on using JobX.

  • Supervisor Change Request (add or remove a supervisor)

    Use this form to request a new JobX or timesheet administrator and also to remove a supervisor from your department. This should be used for anyone who is new to your department regardless of whether they have previously worked at the College. This will notify both Payroll and the Student Employment Offices of your department's staffing changes.

  • Contact the Student Employment Office

    Contact for questions.

Employer Tools
  • JobX Login

    Log in to post jobs, hire students, and access student applications.

  • Student Employment Wage Tool 
    (Create a new position or request a wage change)

    Use this tool to request that a new position be created and assigned a wage category or to request an existing position's wage category be evaluated.  This may take a week to process. Wage categories can be increased or decreased during this evaluation. You will receive an email confirmation and instructions when your position has been created. 

  • Termination Request (Remove a student's timesheet access)

    This form is used to request that a student employee be terminated and their timesheet access be removed. Submit this form for each student you wish to have terminated. Students will be removed weekly so they may have access for a short time after this is submitted. Please be sure to notify your employee of their last day and also be sure to verify all of your employees before approving hours worked.